Infrared scanning


Infrared scanning is a non-contact method of detecting heat. It is used in a variety of applicationsĀ  including:


Infrared scanning can be used to identify electrical faults, such as overheating, arcing, and loose connections. This can help to prevent fires and other electrical hazards.

Infrared scanning can be used to identify areas of heat loss and moisture damage in buildings. This can help to improve energy efficiency and prevent structural damage.

Infrared scanning can be used to identify problems with machinery, such as overheating, friction, and wear. This can help to prevent breakdowns and extend the life of machinery.

Infrared scanning can be used to detect fires in their early stages, when they are small and easy to extinguish. This can help to save lives and property.

Infrared scanning is a valuable tool for a variety of applications. It is a non-contact, non-destructive method of detecting heat, which makes it ideal for a wide range of tasks.