Waspnet cloud monitoring



Cloud monitoring and control for your W-PFS range device

NEW for 2021

Bringing the power of the cloud to fuel polishing. Allowing both you and your customers, remote access to their sites. Predict when services are needed, spare parts are needed, get historical data, change settings, and more, remotely!

Data is the new frontier; and whilst day-to-day operation of your customer’s fuel polishing system is important, WASP is launching a new service for cloud monitoring and control of any W-PFS range device to allow that polishing unit to become a data hub.

Where existing BMS requires local, hard-wired connections, WASPnet is a wireless cloud-based service; requiring only a 4G mobile phone signal to bring you live streamed data. The WASPnet solution allows all data from the polishing system to be recorded and presented on a dashboard, and a built-in VNC connection allows the touch screen to be controlled over the cloud as well – no special customer software needed either, it is all operating from a web-browser.



  • Remote monitoring of all machines
  • Customer-specific access
  • Status updates
  • Live information on filter requirements
  • Trending of data
  • Know when a system needs spares
  • Expandability to monitor other equipment


  • Dashboard to view all live machine data
  • Remote connection to view and interact with touch screen
  • Trending and storage of data
  • CSV format database download
  • Map/Geolocation function
  • Machine setup changes remotely
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